Recommendation for Future Work ,Results Validated By Theoretical Modeling and Development of Algorithm

Recommendation for Future Work:
          In the whole research work, attention was paid to simulate all the structures by commercial EM software Zeland IE3D. Investigations need to be justified experimentally by VNA and compared with simulated results.
VNA measured the return loss performance of the T-lines. The future work can be mentioned in the following manner.

Results Validated By Theoretical Modeling

               The EBGSs are actually complex geometries. Theoretical modeling is to be made for rectangular EBGS (as the results vary with the length and width of rectangle) and dumbbell shaped EBGS. Other complex designs like dual T-line designs need further research work to explain the behavior theoretically as well as multiple T-lines need to be considered.

 Development of Algorithm

             Researching proper algorithms for designing dumbbell shaped EBGS is left for further work as currently there is no such direct method of calculating correct parameters or correct size of dumbbell shaped EBGS for designing a filter for a particular pre defined performance (i.e. for a particular type of dual band performance how a dumbbell shaped EBGS can be chosen). All, in this paper, are just observation of performance of a pre-designed dumbbell shaped EBGS.

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