PBG Assisted Reconfigurable Phased Array Antennas

EBG assisted reconfigurable phased array antenna is investigated applicable for dual-band operations. With a view to achieving dual-band operation another set of 4 antennas is connected with shorter resonant length (lg/4 that is 1/4th wavelength).
4 patches connected with the feed networks are known as active patches. Shorter 4 patches will be connected by PIN diode and they are known as dummy or parasitic patches. Dummy patches are connected with the active patches with associated biasing networks. During the forward bias condition of PIN diodes, total patch length increases as the patch length of the active and dummy patches are added. Over all patches resonate at lower frequency. During the reverse biased condition the resonant frequency corresponds to the length of active patches. Thus controlling the bias condition of diodes, dual band operations of antennas are achieved. To have a clear idea on the design to reconfigure the frequencies of operations one side connection of a 4 elements array is shown. One dummy patch needs two PIN diodes to be connected with one active patch. One 4 elements array requires total 8 PIN diodes. So there are total 8 biasing networks to control 8 PIN diodes. One sample connection of patches with biasing network is shown in Fig. 7.25.

EBG assisted reconfigurable phased array antenna is investigated applicable for dual-band operations. With a view to achieving dual-band operation another set of 4 antennas is connected with shorter resonant length (lg/4 that is 1/4th wavelength). 4 patches connected with the feed networks are known as active patches. Shorter 4 patches will be connected by PIN diode and they are known as dummy or parasitic patches. Dummy patches are connected with the active patches with associated biasing networks. During the forward bias condition of PIN diodes, total patch length increases as the patch length of the active and dummy patches are added. Over all patches resonate at lower frequency. During the reverse biased condition the resonant frequency corresponds to the length of active patches. Thus controlling the bias condition of diodes, dual band operations of antennas are achieved. To have a clear idea on the design to reconfigure the frequencies of operations one side connection of a 4 elements array is shown. One dummy patch needs two PIN diodes to be connected with one active patch. One 4 elements array requires total 8 PIN diodes. So there are total 8 biasing networks to control 8 PIN diodes. One sample connection of patches with biasing network is shown in Fig. 7.25.

Biasing networks consist of LC tuning circuit, filtering and DC blocking capacitors. There is also a current limiting resistor. The feed network of a PBG assisted phased array antenna is designed with the distribution of square patterned PBGSs as 0-8-16-24 having FF of 0.5. The length and width of the active patches are 11.075 mm and 11.425 mm respectively. To achieve dual-band operation another set of 4 elements dummy patches is used. The length of the dummy patch is 6.019 mm having same width.

The connections of current limiting resistors and voltage supplies are transferred to the ground plane for the minimum perturbation of the patch layer. It is shown in Fig. 7.25. Due to unavailability of X-band RF diodes conductive copper tape is connected with the active patches. The conducting copper tape has the same dimensions of dummy patches.

Biasing networks consist of LC tuning circuit, filtering and DC blocking capacitors. There is also a current limiting resistor. The feed network of a PBG assisted phased array antenna is designed with the distribution of square patterned PBGSs as 0-8-16-24 having FF of 0.5. The length and width of the active patches are 11.075 mm and 11.425 mm respectively. To achieve dual-band operation another set of 4 elements dummy patches is used. The length of the dummy patch is 6.019 mm having same width.

The connections of current limiting resistors and voltage supplies are transferred to the ground plane for the minimum perturbation of the patch layer. It is shown in Fig. 7.25. Due to unavailability of X-band RF diodes conductive copper tape is connected with the active patches. The conducting copper tape has the same dimensions of dummy patches.

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