Simple T-line and its performance, S-Parameter Performance of a microstrip T-line, Design of uniform circular PBGSs for Harmonic Suppression, Standard BPF, BPF on 2-D array of uniform circular PBGSs, BPF with dense 2-D uniform circular PBGSs, BPF with PBGSs under 50-ohm and central coupled lines

    Simple T-line and its performance:
T-line is just a line with a defined length and width on the upper surface of the substrate which is created by removing copper coating from the surface except the desired region. The figure is shown below where the blue region is a typical T-line whose length is 100 mm and width is 2.2642 mm (calculated by PCAAD for 50Ω microstrip T-line where dielectric constant of the substrate is 2.45 and thickness is 31 mils).

Corrugated Surface and Metal Pad or High-Impedance Surface

Corrugated Surface

A corrugated surface is a metal slab into which a series of vertical slots are cut. The slots are narrow so that many of them fit within one wavelength across the slab. Each slot can be regarded as a parallel plate transmission line, running down into the slab, and shorted at the bottom.