
If we separate the 29th electron from the rest of the atomic structure of copper by dashed line as shown we create regions that have a net positive charge as shown in and for the region inside the dashed boundary , the number of points in the nucleus exceeds the number of orbiting electrons by i so the net charge is positive as shown in both figures.
This positive region created by separating the free electron from the basic atomic structure is called a positive ion. If the free electron than leaves the vicinity of the parent atom as shown in regions of positive and negative charge have been established.

           This separation of charging to establish region of positive and negative charge is the atomic that occurs in every battery. Through chemical action a heavy concentration of positive charge is established at the positive terminal ,with an equally heavy concentration of negative charge at the negative terminal,

  Every source of voltage is established by simply creating a separation of positive and negative charge.

   It is that simple : If you want to create a voltage level of any magnitude simply establish a region of positive and negative charge . The more the required voltage , the greater the quantity of positive and negative charge

         If a total of 1 joule (J) of energy is used to move the negative charge of 1 coulomb (C) ,there is a difference of 1 volt (V) between the tow points.

        The defining equation is



Take particular note that the charge is measured in coulombs, the energy in joules and the voltage in volts. The units of measurement ,volt ,was chosen to honor the efforts of established through chemical action.

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